I have chosen a series of paintings to share, (past and present) with the hope that the vision of works made by me as a boy will also be to your liking.

I wanted to keep my first oil on canvas and some other old paintings presented here, remembering that the few paintings made in that period I gave them all; to conclude I would like to say that I recognize that the trend of the past is in line with the present and will be in the future, recognizing that the time dedicated to the search for “different” has produced knowledge in the art sector but has not changed my style.


It is with pleasure and satisfaction that I tell my story as a musician.

It is my duty first of all to remember that thanks to Papa Ernesto and Mamma Angela, my Parents, who in 1958, passionate about music (as well as painting), allowed me to attend various classical guitar courses in Padua, which that period produced numerous talents, and that in 1961, a period rich in musical formations, I was the promoter of the group “THE SHRDOWS 2nd”, which performed with two weekly evenings for a long period at: the “EDERLE” American Barracks in Vicenza, and many rooms dance of Northern Italy, and other events. The group was disbanded in 1968.